Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How faithless does this sound? and yet, its where im at. no lies, no denying it...just truth. hard, honest, truth. and im so sorry it has to be this way.

so im coming home...oh how i wish the circumstances were better! oh, how i would give so much...for this to not be happening! 
i picked up my Bible today and found comfort, as i do nearly every time i pick it up, especially in hard situations. and it makes me wonder why i don't pick it up more often. but i am still in shock and still wondering...

WHY NOW? WHY THIS? WHY HER? i just don't understand this. and i know, oh i KNOW that this isn't God's fault. but the question burning in my mind is WHY IS HE LETTING THIS HAPPEN...? i mean, i know that He isn't doing this...

but He isn't stopping it either.


Kaitlyn Nicole said...

everything ok? prayin for ya! <3

Han and Momo said...

:'( not really...my grandma has been in the hospital since last thursday and things are looking really bad for her. they are saying everyone that wants to come see her should come soon so we are headed up early tomorrow morning, back to my home. they aren't predicting she'll live very long. but even harder than dealing with this myself is how my mom must feel. 4 days before Christmas and we are going to visit her dying mother in the hospital... :'( i am just so sad. this is crazy. and im sorry. another long and depressing comment! thank you so much for the prayers. that means the world to me! ♥ ♥ ♥