i did it. i took a risk.
and im terrified beyond belief. like, you don't even know.
im glad i did it....
unless of course you react how im hoping you wont.
thennnn i think ill regret it.
then i know ill regret it.
im sorry....i just...needed you to know.
please God...Your Will be done....just please....
and to make matters worse, you cant even respond right now so i am left to imagine the outcome for the next 2 hours or so.
gosh, im glad i never ate lunch. cuz i think if i did, id probably be throwing up right now.
yeah. im THAT freaked...
Oh Morgan! I've been there. I've been in your shoes. I threw my heart out on the line, took a HUGE risk...and guess what! the person did not respond for a WEEK!!! I was dying inside. And then...well, the answer was less than pleasurable. And at first I swore I'd NEVER take a risk again...then I looked back on all the GOOD that I learned and experienced through it all and I appreciated the risk. and the hurt couldn't really compare. and then I realized God blessed me by getting me out of that harmful relationship! SO whatever the outcome, God will use it for your good! <3
ohhh i am SO sorry yours didn't end well :( this particular one ended good...i was scared out of my mind, but it did end well. however, i just had something else end...which pretty much has got me freaked and nervous so....idk.
honestly...thank you so much for sharing this with me. im SO SO sorry you had to go through it all, but im glad you were able to gain something from it at least...
and i totally relate to what you're saying! not for this situation but...for a different one. anyways, now im rambling! thank you sooo much for always being so open with me and so encouraging!! <3
Thanks Morgan!! And I really so believe that whatever the outcome, you come out of it a much wiser person. :)
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