Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Love, Summer Dreams, Summer Smiles.

Such an amazing time. I never want it to end. This summer is significant because its the last summer i will end by going back to high school.
But i am soaking up every second of it. I love sun. I love AC. Seriously. And i think part of that is that i don't have it in my room, so i love hangin out in the family room and just chillin in it :)
I love my friends. And, since receiving some very sweet and unexpected encouragement, i have picked back up my guitar and am singing again. And writing. <3 <3
I made a new amazing friend at camp! One that i am talking to even as i write this! She is amazing and i love her!!
I am starting to figure out who my real friends are.
I am learning to trust. And to let go.
I am learning to stand up and be strong. No more ridiculous pity parties for me! And, when im feeling weak, i ask God to stand strong through me. So that HE may be victorious over Satan.
I am contemplating going after my dream...something i have always been TERRIFIED to do. But more and more i see it as the course marked out for my life. At one point, i was holding on so tight. It was kind of the part of my life that i wouldn't give over to God. Because i was scared He wouldn't let me do it.
And then all of a sudden i found myself giving it up. But i wasn't just handing it to God...i had almost thrown it out.
But i feel like the saying is true. Let it go and if it comes back its always been yours. If it doesn't, it never was.
I let go. And it came back. I think God wanted me to stop holding on so tight and just give it over to Him.
So far, my summer has been pretty good. And, this is the good stuff. There has been some not so good stuff. But it wont be in this post. Just know that im not trying to pass my life off as perfect. Ha! Its far from that. But i am in a good mood and i feel like i need an uplifting post on here for once! <3


*Lizzie* said...

Lovely post Morgan!
I <3 summer too! Summer is so wonderful and I don't want it to end! It feels like it is going WAY to fast! =)
Have a blessed day!

Han and Momo said...

Awww thank you!! I adore summer and i agree, it is RUSHING by!!! :( sadness!! oh well, thanks and you too!!! <3