Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day Four.

Most of my day wasn't even spent here in town. But that really doesn't matter. The only thing is that living here, in a beach/resort town, temptations run stronger. Temptations to give in and be like everyone else. 
But, despite having to get up early, i still took time and read my Bible this morning :)
That really does make all the difference.
And i feel like this is becoming easier. 

I actually looked at myself in the mirror this morning and said "You are beautiful." and meant it!

But the only thing...i just don't know HOW modest i am truly being. Where, oh where, is that line?
God, i pray, please show me! I desperately need to know...
I am so sick of middle ground. I want something better. I want something more.
I want to live the way He showed me how to.
I only get ONE life here on this earth. There are no redos or second tries. This is it.

And i want to make it count.
For Him. <3

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