Wednesday, April 27, 2011


and then there's you…
i knew better than to think about you…but i did it anyways. what i didn't know was how much it would hurt.
thoughts of you floated in on the breeze..little did i know they were razor-edged memories. they ripped into my heart.
i am praying that God will right my head and heart. because, as much as thinking about you hurts, i like it. and yet i know its dangerous. i need to keep myself in check. i need to not let thoughts of you crowd of God AGAIN!! and none of that is YOUR fault. i am the one that let it happen. 
but the fact is, i need to be careful. but tell me, is thinking about you so wrong? as long as i keep myself in it so wrong?


*Lizzie* said...

Hey! I awarded you on my blog The Wonders of Christ! Go check it out!

Han and Momo said...

Wow!! Thank you so much!! <3