LYING... why do we always feel like we have to be something we arent? what is so wrong with who we are? and everything we arent? why doesnt anyone love themselves anymore? we are so insecure. so easily swayed and altered. i mean, i know what i know. (which is not much but ;) )
i know that i am strong and beautiful and independent and that i love Jesus and that my life should be about pleasing and loving Him... but the world changes us. it changes our viewpoint.
its making me feel things, that, in my heart, i know arent true. but im not real big on denying feelings so... i buy into it. i tell myself that if its what i feel...then its something i need to act on. its not even something i decide consciously anymore. its what ive been doing for... so long. its the way i live my life. just like my "all or nothing" personality, i think they are both here to stay. and im ok with that, i mean, its who i am. i am passionate and sometimes considered "depressed" but thats not the truth at all! im actually a very happy person with just a slightly different outlook on life than most people have... i just feel things more than noticing them or looking at them. i feel them. and feeling things has always been something i needed to do alone. i need to process things for myself. dont even bother TELLING me how something is or how it feels. you can tell me what it means to you, thats fine, that great. but dont tell me how IM gonna react to something or how its gonna make me feel.
but im getting off topic.
see, heres the thing. everyone is always running away from themselves. ive found myself doing that. i went out looking for attention. my mom finally called me out on it, sorta. see, i was bending the rules and dressing in things i normally wouldnt, (i.e. shorter shorts, tank tops, etc) because it was getting me attention. nothing major, but for the first rel time in my life i saw them looking. and while that made me feel awful that i was making these guys sin, i justified it like this. (although i really didnt think about it too much. idk why. these kinds of things usually eat me inside...but this time i think i liked the attention so much that it shut my mind up.)
anyways so i said that "guys arent gonna stop looking. no matter what i wear. yes, they may not look at me, but they will just look at some other girl. so either way they are gonna look. whats the harm on them looking at me?"
wrong? yes. but did it feel good? to, just for once, just for a short time, just experiment... or be looked at. to be liked. to be thought of as hot or beautiful or...whatever they were thinking...
im usually not the one guys notice. not like that anyways. so, yes, for like, once in my life it felt nice to get the occasional "second glance".
But... I am sorry.
I am. i messed up. i was using guys in a sense. how awful. im kind of regretting deciding to post this on here. but im going to. im not perfect and if you though that before, you wont after reading this!!
i just hafta say, after being overshadowed by prettier friends and such over the years, this was a new experience for me. 2nd. i wanna clarify, i wasnt dressing like a slut. or a tramp or anything. i just wasnt dressing like a very "good little Christian girl"... or like any kind of Christian at all. 3rd. i....i wont be that girl anymore. either one. i will find that delicate balance that i know exist somewhere. im not gonna be "trampy" (not that i ever was but... ya know what i mean) but im also done being "uptight Christian girl" cuz what kind of example am i setting in either person?
But i think the only way to do this, to shed both of those skins and find that balance, is to just be me. not worry about what everyone else thinks. not be fake or pretend. just be me. the me that God created, the girl that Jesus died for. ME. and can you imagine if everyone did that?
there goes my imagination again. but a girl can dream, cant she? :)
i love you all and more importantly, i love my God. and i love my family and all my friends. <3>
~Love, Always, Forever~
MoMo <3
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